Nature and Territory

Almost the entire area belonging to the La Maddalena Archipelago National Park is a site of Community importance (SCI), as established by the European Commission Habitats Directive 92/43. The flora on the island accounts for more than 700 different species, which represent one third of Sardinia’s total number, and more than 50 endemic types, making up 25% of Sardinian flora. We mustn’t forget the numerous rare species, of high phytogeographic interest, and the many habitats of Community importance, as stated above. 

There are many factors that influence the vegetal landscape of the islands: wind, sun exposure, soil aridity, gradient height and distance from mainland.
The main flora formations are typical of the Mediterranean coastline:
 the scrub includes juniper, arbutus, phylloxera, lentiscus, myrtle, heather, Calicotome, cistus and spurge; along the coast, the vegetation decreases from lower shrub to scrubland and the most peculiar vegetation consists of halophile plants that thrive in a salty environment. Sandy surfaces and saline areas allow the formation of saltbush, salicornia and psammophila species.

The Archipelago of La Maddalena forms 180 km of coastal area and hosts some of the most popular and appealing beaches in the Mediterranean; in particular, Spiaggia Rosa and Spiaggia del Cavaliere in Budelli, Cala Coticciu, Cala Napoletana and Relitto in Caprera, Cala Corsara and Cala Granara in Spargi. On La Maddalena island we can’t leave out Bassa Trinita and its white sand dunes, as well as Monti da Rena or Punta Tegge’s cliff.

The landscape is unique thanks to its characteristic inlets and coves, which create plenty of extensive, natural landing places. They always ensure safety for people sailing there, under any weather conditions. These inlets are responsible for the unique colour of the seawater and have contributed to the Archipelago’s fame all over the world: porto della Madonna, Cala Corsara, Cala Lunga on Razzoli island, Santa Maria, Cala Coticciu. Despite being inhabited since time immemorial, as shown by the prehistoric sites of Spargi and Santo Stefano, the Archipelago was also frequented during the Roman period. As a matter of fact, the Romans extracted stony material for building columns and other objects.