Would you like to visit the Park with a guide?
All the trails can be visited with an environmental hiking guide (GAE – specific professional profiles), but in this section you will find useful information for guided tours in the TA zones of Cala Brigantina or Cala Coticcio.
The TA zones of Cala Brigantina and Cala Coticcio are classified as significant natural interest, which require high level of protection and are therefore not freely accessible. However, it is possible to go there with an environmental hiking guide (GAE). Penalties are provided for violations of these regulations.
How to contact the guides
1. To contact the guides you can use the list provided by the Park. DOWNLOAD THE LIST OF GUIDES (GAE)
2. Each visitor is required to pay a contribution of € 3.00 (three/00 euro) to the National Park, after booking their excursion and agreeing the price with the private guide. The fee is intended as an environmental contribution to help cover the costs of protecting and managing the sites. Children up to 12 years old of age do not have to pay the € 3,00 fee.
3. Payment of the €3.00 fee must be made exclusively via the Italian national pagoPA platform
Pay the fee specifying as the Reason for payment Cala Coticcio Excursion“ or “Cala Brigantina Excursion”, indicating the day and time. This ticket is valid only for the day indicated and non-refundable if not used.
4. Keep a copy of the payment made so that you can show it to the control staff before the excursion.
All the rules for carrying the excursion, with respect for the environment and in complete safety are set out in the procedural guideline: “Use of the Paths of Cala Coticcio and Cala Brigantina in TA zone on Caprera Island”, approved by Board of Directors’ Resolution no. 17 dated 04.06.2022.
Download Resolution no.17 dated 04.06.2022
Download the Procedural Guideline for using the trails of Cala Coticcio and Cala Brigantina
PLEASE NOTE: The cost of the excursion is to be agreed with the guide, and it is not included in the € 3.00 contribution to be paid to the Park Authority.
The Park Authority cannot be held responsible for Any cancellations of guided tour with or without prior notice, in the time of the tour, etc. The guides are in third parties and are not employed by the Park Authority. Any misunderstandings are therefore the sole responsibility of the guide and not of the Park Authority.